For over 10 years, Crichtons have specialised in Restoring struck-off UK companies to the Register.
A company may be struck-off by Companies House:
For not filing annual documents eg Confirmation Statements (CS01 or Annual Accounts).
If the company is not required in future and is dissolved Voluntarily by the directors.
A company can be restored to the Register (if 6 years have not expired from the date it was removed from the Register by Companies House) by:
1. Administrative Application
This process takes around 3.4 weeks to complete from the date all documents are submitted to Companies House. Documents include outstanding Confirmation Statements (CS01) and Accounts. Thers may be Penalties for late filing of Accounts. After the company is restored, it can continue trading as before.
Crichtons can assist in all Administrative Restorations, including Companies House filings.
2. Court Order Application
This process takes 12-13 weeks to complete, subject to Court delays. A Court Order restoration is required if the company was Voluntarily dissolved by a Director. The company may be required to be restored to recover a) monies in the Bank Account, b) other Assets. The company can also be restored to continue trading.
Crichtons can assist in all Court Order Restorations.
Costs to restore a company start from £135 plus disbursements.
Please call us on 0207 504 1299 to discuss your requirements. We always offer a free no-obligation initial consultation.
Crichtons can also assist in respect of
Applications to adjourn winding up petitions
A validation order service for unfreezing bank account
Rescinding winding up orders
Company director prosecution defence work
Non contentious debt recovery
Bankruptcy matters